Outlook To Do List

You know that tab at the bottom of your Outlook called Tasks? It’s a tab full of features to help you organize all of your flagged emails and create a task list. However, once you’ve entered this magical organizational tab, it can be slightly confusing to navigate. There are tasks you can create and a To-Do list in the left hand side bar. But what’s the difference?

Oct 20, 2014 To-Do list is not a actual folder, it just like a search folder to show the result of active tasks and items flagged in your mailbox. So, we cannot share the To-Do list to others. Microsoft To Do. To Do gives you focus, from work to play.


An item is added to the To-Do list when you add this flag to an email in your inbox. We know how easily emails can get lost in our inbox, so it can be helpful to add a flag to an email that requires a response, or has an action item within the message. As a follow-up to the flag, the email is also added to the To-Do List in the Tasks tab.

Outlook To Do List Tips

Also within the Tasks tab is Tasks. Tasks are items you create from scratch. They are not tied to an email message and you can add important details to your task. In the new task window, you can add details such as a start date, due date, reminder, and priority. You are also able to assign tasks to others to add to their task list, integrate your task list with OneNote, and send a status report update.

Check out the overview video above. The steps below describe how to create a new task.

Outlook To Do Bar Multiple Calendars

  1. Select Tasks tab at the bottom of your Outlook window.
  2. Click New Task in the upper left hand corner.
  3. A new window will appear where you can write your task and add details with the many feature options.