Markdown Angular

Markdown: see GitHub's Mastering Markdown; Angular coding style: see the Angular Style Guide; Google writing style: The Google Developer Documentation Style Guide is a comprehensive resource that this Angular documentation style guide builds upon. Kinds of Angular documentationlink. The categories of Angular documentation include. Ran into a problem converting from Angular 1.3 to 1.4rc a couple of days ago. The issue is that the way ng-model bindings work has changed, in that Angular 1.4 and later uses exact type matching.

Here is a quick test of some Angular-esque HTML/CSS/JS pasted into the middle of some Markdown, that’s going to be runthrough Github’s Pages/Jekyll pipeline to become HTML:

Markdown Angular

Markdown Angular Code

Abbyy finereader pro for mac free download. Taking Ashish Singh’s calculator example, and inliningit into a gh-pages blog entry (this page) you end up with:

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Ashish’s code was changed a little bit (mostly refactored), and is now contained it in a single <div> element:

Inserted Angular components can’t use {᠎{ in a Jekyll blog because of the latter’s dependence onliquid (a templating technology), so you have to use <span ng-bind='op_field'/> instead of {᠎{op_field}᠎}and ng-model='field' instead of value='{᠎{field}᠎}' where appropriate. Paint for mac os x free download. That is slightly less elegant.

Alternatively you can change {᠎{ to something else - that is what I’ve done, here, to {({ via$interpolateProvider. Similarly, }᠎} to })}.

Note that the div in question was not actually in the markdown source, it’s pulled in at Jekyll’s build time. It isreally in its own source file for fast development, and jekyll has an incantation to bring it in:

Note demoSrc is in my _posts folder.

Fast development means I can load it into Chrome, with only the <div> elements (no html, no body tags) straightfrom the file system (not over http).

Markdown Angular Tutorial

Markdown AngularMarkdown

I also have the example’s source shown in this blog entry too. I’m copying that straight from the DOM before Angulardoes its work. See here:


That copies into a place in the DOM that’s ready to be pretty printed in the browser:

Angular Markdown Viewer

Summary: Embedding Angular apps in Jekyll-Markdown blog entries works fine after some tweaks, and ifyou can contain it in a single HTML element.